Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve

Tworkout N Twelve 

Workout to Recovery Ratio 
30 seconds of workout: 30 seconds of recovery
Here is the circuit:

1) Jump Rope

2) Squat Press with Dumbbells

3) Functional Lunge

4) Standing Oblique March

Perform these with MAXIMUM EFFORT for 3 COMPLETE rounds i.e. 12 min!

Keep pen and paper nearby and log your reps after each move.

"The Move" descriptions:

Jump Rope: Nothing fancy here...get a rope and take yourself back to the playground of old! If NO rope...simulate the rope movement with your hands. Then go get a paper route, save some pennies and buy a rope for next time! A jump rope is essentially a portable gym!!!

Squat press w/Dumbells:

This is getting upper body working with lower body to maximize caloric expenditure AND boost metabolism (most moves I post are of like reasoning) they are also a tad more exhausting so PACE yourselves!!!
Same as squat from last workout but as you raise up you will press dumbells (or 1litre waterbottles), with hands facing each other overhead, squeezing elbows TOWARDS ears. As you lower butt into squat...hands come down to shoulder height. Then repeat again and again and again.....

Functional Lunge:
With legs together step out with right foot about 6 to 8 inches and as you do...reach down and touch ground in front of rt toe (should look like you are picking up your keys). POP back up to start position and repeat with LEFT leg.

Marching obliques:
Ok...imagine lying on a mat doing "bicycle crunch." Well this is essentially the same but we will be walking or...MARCHING which will not only strengthen your core but increase your balance(remember...balance IS strength) and endurance.
Stand tall with you hands behind your head like a prisoner. Now keeping that "TALL" posture...bring right knee up AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE and simultaneously TURN left elbow into rt knee. Step forward with right leg then quickly bring Left knee up to right elbow. Be sure and hold midsection firm and SQUEEZE at top of movement. Continue moving forward alternating sides for alloted time. Try and keep a steady rythym at a speed that allows you to maintain balance.

Alrighty...there you go!
4 moves...3 circuits...and a solid 12 minute workout!
Knock this out on Wednesday and Friday.
I will have 2 to 3 new workouts for you for next week and in time...a NEW workout Monday thru Friday with pics and eventually video.

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