Saturday, August 20, 2011

TworkoutNTwelve - Revamped and Improved TNT Buffet Coming This Week!

My goal is that there be something for EVERYBODY no matter what level of fitness AND whether you have equipment or not. 

Although not necessary, a couple sets of light dumbbells and a resistance band would enhance your experience. I'm also all about TRX and anything coming out of my friend Randy Hetricks' Fitness Anywhere Studio in San Francisco.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve - Great Article About Overrated Cardio Machines

Tworkout N Twelve! Best article I've read in awhile on how overrated cardio machine workouts are for results. I preach this ALL the time. Expensive equipment and fancy gyms NOT necessary for killer AND more FUN workouts! Read the article here - Thanks Mike Geary!

Stop Wasting Your Time with Worthless Treadmill and Elliptical Machine Workouts!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve - Familiar Moves Fitness

Hey Tworkers! Sorry about the gap since last tworkout, but a lot going on in my little fitness world.  Today I am putting slight variations on very familiar moves that we have already done.  Hopefully you have some dumbbells or a resistance band by now.  If you don't, grab some water bottles then afterwards go to and spend $8 on a versa tube.

Let's get right to it!

Time: 12 minutes :30 seconds workout/:30 seconds rest or :45 seconds workout/:15 seconds rest. 
Do 3 cycles of all 4 moves in order given.

Grade: M

1) Windmill JUMP Squat
2) Pulsing Push-up
3) Clock squat
4) T-M-I

Move Descriptions:
Windmill Jump Squat
Stand with feet wide and arms straight out to side.
Squat and bend bringing right hand to left foot then SPRING/JUMP up so both feet come off of floor.
Land softly and repeat on other side. You are now a human windmill. Make a breeze!

Pulsing Push-up
From standard Push-up position OR knees on floor push-up position lower body towards floor.  At bottom of move PULSE upward about TWO inches then back to floor before pushing ALL the way to top.  Slowly drop back down and repeat for alloted time.

Clock Squat
Stand with feet wide and hands behind head, elbows pointing out to side.  Imagine right foot is in CENTER of a clock and left foot is ON 3 o'clock.  Squat down w head up and push off of left foot explosively pivoting to the right with left foot landing on 9 o'clock (you should be facing opposite direction).  Now reverse and push off RIGHT foot to left side.  Continue alternating. BUST OUT SOME REPS PEOPLE!

Grap your band and secure around doorhandle.
Stand with feet close together hands holding band handles in front of you with a LITTLE slack in band.  Bring arms quickly out to sides into a "T" formation (see where this is going???).  Bring back to start then bring hands back below waste in "M" position.  Return to start and finally, bring hands up over head into an "I" position. Now start over! And over!! And over again!!!  If you have light dumbells start with then in front of upper thigh with hands facing each other and SLIGHTLY bent forward at waist.  NOW rock the T-M-I as many times as possible. other stuff to get to. Get to work and have fun doing it. It only TWELVE minutes!!! Work it!