Friday, July 22, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve - Weekend Beach Pump!

So today I am giving you all a new TWO move challenge.

The key here is to do AS MANY reps as possible in 12 minutes which will equate to 6 rounds of this circuit.

The FIRST 3 rounds I want you to do :40 seconds of work to :20 seconds of rest

3 rounds you will do :30 seconds work with :30   seconds of rest.

Now I want to reiterate that if you are JUST finding a groove with one of the other workouts I've posted...that's awesome and stick with those.

Trust me...many more challenges and opportunities to test yourself are coming so take a little time to settle into a CONSISTENT rythym and develop a good foundation with any workout that "speaks" to you.

Here are your moves:

Surfer Pushup

Sumo Squat w/Knee Raise

How to do you ask???
Surfer Pushup:
Lie on a mat or carpet as if you were on a surfboard (I rocked hardwood floor this morn but im rugged like that) place hands flat on floor.  In ONE explosive motion, push upwards and "POP" your feet forward toward your hands so you are in a "downward dog" type position, then quickly POP back to start position.

NICELY DONE...but dont get too happy, thats ONE rep. Knock out as many as possible for allotted time.

Sumo Squat:
Assume a wide stance with your heels JUST outside shoulder width...your hands behind your head and elbows out to side (lets call this hand position "surrender hands").
With weight in your heels push you butt BACK and DOWN till thighs parallel to floor (as you fatigue you can shorten the distance to keep moving) then as you rise up...simultaneously bring right knee up to right elbow.  Return to starting position and repeat on left side.  Keep alternating sides.

NOW get your ass moving and knock some serious reps out!!!

You are 12 minutes away from feeling GREAT about yourself!

Have an awesome weekend!!!

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