Saturday, August 20, 2011

TworkoutNTwelve - Revamped and Improved TNT Buffet Coming This Week!

My goal is that there be something for EVERYBODY no matter what level of fitness AND whether you have equipment or not. 

Although not necessary, a couple sets of light dumbbells and a resistance band would enhance your experience. I'm also all about TRX and anything coming out of my friend Randy Hetricks' Fitness Anywhere Studio in San Francisco.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve - Great Article About Overrated Cardio Machines

Tworkout N Twelve! Best article I've read in awhile on how overrated cardio machine workouts are for results. I preach this ALL the time. Expensive equipment and fancy gyms NOT necessary for killer AND more FUN workouts! Read the article here - Thanks Mike Geary!

Stop Wasting Your Time with Worthless Treadmill and Elliptical Machine Workouts!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve - Familiar Moves Fitness

Hey Tworkers! Sorry about the gap since last tworkout, but a lot going on in my little fitness world.  Today I am putting slight variations on very familiar moves that we have already done.  Hopefully you have some dumbbells or a resistance band by now.  If you don't, grab some water bottles then afterwards go to and spend $8 on a versa tube.

Let's get right to it!

Time: 12 minutes :30 seconds workout/:30 seconds rest or :45 seconds workout/:15 seconds rest. 
Do 3 cycles of all 4 moves in order given.

Grade: M

1) Windmill JUMP Squat
2) Pulsing Push-up
3) Clock squat
4) T-M-I

Move Descriptions:
Windmill Jump Squat
Stand with feet wide and arms straight out to side.
Squat and bend bringing right hand to left foot then SPRING/JUMP up so both feet come off of floor.
Land softly and repeat on other side. You are now a human windmill. Make a breeze!

Pulsing Push-up
From standard Push-up position OR knees on floor push-up position lower body towards floor.  At bottom of move PULSE upward about TWO inches then back to floor before pushing ALL the way to top.  Slowly drop back down and repeat for alloted time.

Clock Squat
Stand with feet wide and hands behind head, elbows pointing out to side.  Imagine right foot is in CENTER of a clock and left foot is ON 3 o'clock.  Squat down w head up and push off of left foot explosively pivoting to the right with left foot landing on 9 o'clock (you should be facing opposite direction).  Now reverse and push off RIGHT foot to left side.  Continue alternating. BUST OUT SOME REPS PEOPLE!

Grap your band and secure around doorhandle.
Stand with feet close together hands holding band handles in front of you with a LITTLE slack in band.  Bring arms quickly out to sides into a "T" formation (see where this is going???).  Bring back to start then bring hands back below waste in "M" position.  Return to start and finally, bring hands up over head into an "I" position. Now start over! And over!! And over again!!!  If you have light dumbells start with then in front of upper thigh with hands facing each other and SLIGHTLY bent forward at waist.  NOW rock the T-M-I as many times as possible. other stuff to get to. Get to work and have fun doing it. It only TWELVE minutes!!! Work it!


Friday, July 29, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve: Surf and Ski Friday Workout

Alright I'm going to make this as simple as possible by giving you TWO very straight forward moves.
In turn I need maximum output on your part.
Reps, reps, reps!
Enough said...time to sweat!

Today’s Grade: M

Equipment needed: Nothing but your own bodyweight

Interval times: Start with :45 seconds workout/:15 seconds rest for  the first round and :30 seconds workout/:30 seconds rest for ensuing rounds.

Rounds: Since there are only 2 moves you will be going for SIX Rounds! Pace yourself but DON'T QUIT!


1) Skier Slalom Hop

2) Alternating Living Room Surfer

Skier Slalom Hop:
Very simply with feet close together drop down into a partial squat and jump up and to the left (or right, it really makes no difference at this point) landing softly and right back into a squat then jump back to other side.
Start by jumping 4-6 inches and as you find your groove increase distance. No lift ticket necessary. You're welcome!

Alternating Living Room Surfer:
Lie on mat or floor. You are now on a surfboard in the water! With hands out to your sides I would LOVE it if you could just POP up with ONE foot in front of the other into a standing/surfing position then carefully reverse back down on your board....and alternate Pop up, with the OTHER foot forward. If that is too tough then go to your knees first...THEN to your feet. You will be strong enough to POP UP, in time. Be patient!

That's it!
Burn up some calories and then get out and enjoy your weekend!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve: Midweek Pro Challenge - Grade H

So like I said, this site will be evolving over the next few weeks as I get a better feel of how to serve everybody that comes to the site effectively.

And its time for one of those changes.

It is important to me that there is something to challenge everybody's personal fitness levels so I will begin adding diffferent "GRADES" of workouts for you to pick and choose from.

ALL workouts should be INTENSE, no matter where you are physically, but the DIFFICULTY of the moves is what will be graded.

Workouts will be accompanied by an "L" - Low degree of difficulty, "M" - Moderate degree of difficulty or finally, "H" - High degree of difficulty.  No matter which workout you choose, you can always increase difficulty by adding work time and decreasing recovery time.

Conversely, you can make a tough move workout easier by decreasing work time and increasing recovery time.  Keep challenging yourself people and stay consistent. You'll be shocked by how quickly your body will adapt and progress.
Time to get moving.

Todays GRADE: H

Equipment needed: 5-8 lb DB's and Resistance Band

Time :40 seconds workout/:20 seconds recovery

The Moves:
1) Burpees w Plyometric Jump

2) Weighted Lateral Lunge w Touch

3) Band Deadlift to High Row

4) Weighted Jackknife Abs

Burpies w Plyo Jump:
Stand tall w feet slightly apart. Drop down and place hands on floor in front of you and "pop" your legs back so you are in a push up position. Do a pushup and then pop feet forward CLOSE to hands. From there JUMP back up with hands overhead, land softly to start position.  These are kinda rough so pace yourself.

Weighted Lateral Lunge w Touch:
Stand tall with feet together and dumbbells at your sides.
Step out with right leg and bring weights down touching floor on both sides of foot and keeping left leg straight, ALWAYS keep head looking up. POP back to start position and repeat on left side.

Band Deadlift to High Row:
Secure resistance band to doorknob furniture leg.  Hinge forward with arms extended and move back till band has NO slack.  In ONE motion quickly push hips forward so you are standing and PULL hands(band handles) toward earlobes keeping elbows high. Butt should be tight and shoulder blades flexed. Back to start and do it again...and again...

Weighted Jackknife Abs:
Lie on floor with arms extended above head. With ONE light dumbbell between your hands, lift legs and arms simultaneously so they meet in a "jackknife" position making sure you shoulder blades come UP OFF OF the floor. Squeeze those abs with EVERY rep and look for that burn.

Ok...FOUR moves THREE rounds. This is a tough one so good luck and get going!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve: Welcome to TNT!

As a fitness profesional for over 23 years now Ive had the privilege of not only working with some of Hollywoods' biggest names, but World Class Athletes here in the States and abroad as well. I decided to launch this web site for one simple reason...TO GET PEOPLE MOVING in a manner and time frame that EVERYBODY can commit to AND GET RESULTS!

CONVENIENCE and CONSISTANCY are KEY to maintaining a successful workout regimen, so I will be posting workouts that will not only challenge you no matter what level of fitness you are at currently, but with as little equipment as possible required in order to keep IT convenient and YOU consistant!

Im not going to lie to you, but if you DO purchase a few basic pieces I will suggest - it WILL expedite results a bit quicker and allow for more "move" variation.

This site will be evolving quite a bit over the next couple months (pics and video to take you through moves) so stick with me and I'll always be here for you.  It will be great to grow together and I look forward to hearing from you with any ideas that you'd like to see here.

Again...THANK YOU for comin' by.
Enough talk...lets get to work!
Jim Barcena

Monday, July 25, 2011

Jim Barcena - Celebrity Personal Trainer

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Tworkout N Twelve: Post Weekend Monday Blast!

Summer, Sun, Friends and Fun...! That my friends usually equates to fatty foods, drinks and a few more calories than we normally consume during a regular week.

THAT'S what life is about!

So lets get to work and not worry about what we did or didnt do this past weekend. Let todays workout allow you to feel good about yourself and let the rest of the week ONLY get better because of it!

Todays moves:

1) Volleyball block squat jump

2) Table or Couch Plyo push up

3) Dumbbell or band alternating row

4) Twisting mountain climbers from plank position

Interval Times:

:30 seconds workout/:30 seconds recovery 

If you're still kinda new to this type of training.  NO patient.

:40 seconds workout/:20 seconds recovery 

If you're ready to step it up a notch

Number of Circuits:

Do ALL the above moves in the proper sequence 3 TIMES for a total of TWELVE minutes.

At the end of that time YOU SHOULD BE SPENT!

Remember to keep pen and paper NEARBY to log your successes!  A couple weeks from now you can pull up and do one of these older workouts and blow your old scores away!!!.

Move Descriptions:

Volleyball Block Jump Squat -
Set up your feet with heels shoulder width apart and your toes at 11 and 1 o'clock. Drop your butt BACK and Down till fingers touch ground. Then jump upward and bring both hands above head as if you are trying to block a volleyball. Land softly bending your knees and fingers BACK to ground. KEEP GOING!

Table or Couch Plyo Pushup -
Place hands at edge of a couch or table, shoulder width apart, with your body in a pushup position...EITHER on toes or "girl style" on knees. Slowly lower upper body to couch then FIRE upward so entire body AS WELL AS HANDS come off of surface. Control your "landing" and again KEEP GOING!

Dumbell or Resistance Band Alternating Row -
With a pair of 5 to 8lb dumbbell's (1litre water bottles would work for some) or a band secured under couch or table leg.  Put feet close together, bend forward at waist to 45 degrees and bend your knees with hands extended in front of you as if you were about to dive in pool - band should be tight. Begin by quickly bring right arm back in a rowing motion...return to start...then row with left hand. Alternate back and forth for duration and lets get to our last move.

Twisting Mountain Climbers from Plank Position -
Plop down on mat in pushup style position...feet wide...BUT forearms flat on ground instead of on hands. Begin by pulling your RIGHT knee QUICKLY toward LEFT elbow then return to start and rock the left knee to right elbow. Alternate sides quickly but keeping mid-section strong and squeezing your obliques (sides) as knees approach elbows.

Alright...suck it up and lets get back to the top move!!!
Enough reading...LETS DO THIS!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve - Weekend TNT Tip

A medium strength resistance band will open up a world of growth with your TNT workouts.

With timed workouts you may find it difficult to keep going with a "fixed" weight or dumbell because youve reached muscular faliure.

With a can slowly move in appropriate manner DURING the interval to lighten the resistance therefore allowing you to COMPLETE the interval with some form of resistance.

Enough reading for today.  Get out and get active!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve - Weekend Beach Pump!

So today I am giving you all a new TWO move challenge.

The key here is to do AS MANY reps as possible in 12 minutes which will equate to 6 rounds of this circuit.

The FIRST 3 rounds I want you to do :40 seconds of work to :20 seconds of rest

3 rounds you will do :30 seconds work with :30   seconds of rest.

Now I want to reiterate that if you are JUST finding a groove with one of the other workouts I've posted...that's awesome and stick with those.

Trust me...many more challenges and opportunities to test yourself are coming so take a little time to settle into a CONSISTENT rythym and develop a good foundation with any workout that "speaks" to you.

Here are your moves:

Surfer Pushup

Sumo Squat w/Knee Raise

How to do you ask???
Surfer Pushup:
Lie on a mat or carpet as if you were on a surfboard (I rocked hardwood floor this morn but im rugged like that) place hands flat on floor.  In ONE explosive motion, push upwards and "POP" your feet forward toward your hands so you are in a "downward dog" type position, then quickly POP back to start position.

NICELY DONE...but dont get too happy, thats ONE rep. Knock out as many as possible for allotted time.

Sumo Squat:
Assume a wide stance with your heels JUST outside shoulder width...your hands behind your head and elbows out to side (lets call this hand position "surrender hands").
With weight in your heels push you butt BACK and DOWN till thighs parallel to floor (as you fatigue you can shorten the distance to keep moving) then as you rise up...simultaneously bring right knee up to right elbow.  Return to starting position and repeat on left side.  Keep alternating sides.

NOW get your ass moving and knock some serious reps out!!!

You are 12 minutes away from feeling GREAT about yourself!

Have an awesome weekend!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve

Tworkout N Twelve 

Workout to Recovery Ratio 
30 seconds of workout: 30 seconds of recovery
Here is the circuit:

1) Jump Rope

2) Squat Press with Dumbbells

3) Functional Lunge

4) Standing Oblique March

Perform these with MAXIMUM EFFORT for 3 COMPLETE rounds i.e. 12 min!

Keep pen and paper nearby and log your reps after each move.

"The Move" descriptions:

Jump Rope: Nothing fancy here...get a rope and take yourself back to the playground of old! If NO rope...simulate the rope movement with your hands. Then go get a paper route, save some pennies and buy a rope for next time! A jump rope is essentially a portable gym!!!

Squat press w/Dumbells:

This is getting upper body working with lower body to maximize caloric expenditure AND boost metabolism (most moves I post are of like reasoning) they are also a tad more exhausting so PACE yourselves!!!
Same as squat from last workout but as you raise up you will press dumbells (or 1litre waterbottles), with hands facing each other overhead, squeezing elbows TOWARDS ears. As you lower butt into squat...hands come down to shoulder height. Then repeat again and again and again.....

Functional Lunge:
With legs together step out with right foot about 6 to 8 inches and as you do...reach down and touch ground in front of rt toe (should look like you are picking up your keys). POP back up to start position and repeat with LEFT leg.

Marching obliques:
Ok...imagine lying on a mat doing "bicycle crunch." Well this is essentially the same but we will be walking or...MARCHING which will not only strengthen your core but increase your balance(remember...balance IS strength) and endurance.
Stand tall with you hands behind your head like a prisoner. Now keeping that "TALL" posture...bring right knee up AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE and simultaneously TURN left elbow into rt knee. Step forward with right leg then quickly bring Left knee up to right elbow. Be sure and hold midsection firm and SQUEEZE at top of movement. Continue moving forward alternating sides for alloted time. Try and keep a steady rythym at a speed that allows you to maintain balance.

Alrighty...there you go!
4 moves...3 circuits...and a solid 12 minute workout!
Knock this out on Wednesday and Friday.
I will have 2 to 3 new workouts for you for next week and in time...a NEW workout Monday thru Friday with pics and eventually video.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tworkout N Twelve

Tworkout N Twelve

Workout to Recovery Ratio
30 seconds of workout: 30 seconds of recovery

Our goal is to get you completing these workouts in 12 minutes and working towards a 50 second workout with a 10 second recovery rate.

1)      Jumping Jacks  
2)      Pushups
3)      Body Weight Squats (heels shoulder width apart)
4)      Bent Over Rows with 5lb dumb bells (stand and lean forward w db's hanging and hands facing each other. Pull elbows back bringing db's to armpits). 

4 moves - repeat cycle 3 times nonstop.